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StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for posting of a report for iTokk Inc. (OTCBB: IKTO) on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.
StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for Delta Mining and Exploration Inc. (PINKSHEETS: DMXC) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for Energy Quest, Inc. (OTCBB: EQST) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for HearAtLast (PINK: HRAL) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $15,000.00 from a third party for Sino Payments (OTCBB: SNPY) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $5,000.00 from a third party for Silverado Gold Mines Ltd. (OTCBB: SLGLF) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for Vivakor (OTCBB: VIVK) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for Green Oasis Environmental Inc. (GRNO) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.
StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for SmokeFree Innotec, Inc. (PINK: SFIO) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $15,000.00 from a third party for Sino Payments (OTCBB: SNPY) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $25,000.00 from a third party for SOLUTIONS GROUP (SOLU.PK) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has received $15,000.00 from a third party for Rival Technologies Inc. (OTCBB: RVTI) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for PureSpectrum, Inc. (PINK: PSRU) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Ashland Inc. (NYSE: ASH) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Anglo American plc (NCM: AAUK) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Vertex Pharmaceuticals Inc. (NGS: VRTX) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.
StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Peabody Energy Corp. (ADFN: BTU) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Ameron International Corporation (NYSE: AMN) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Applied DNA Sciences (OTCBB: APDN) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Novo Energies Corporation (OTCBB: NVNC) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for GreenChek Technology Inc. (OTCBB: GCHK) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for GWS Technologies, Inc. (OTCBB: GWSC) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Cyclone Power Technologies (PINK: CYPW) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Beacon Power Corporation (ADFN: BCON) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Capital Gold Corp. (OTCBB: CGLD) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Global Resource Corporation (PINK: GBRC) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Cord Blood America, Inc. (OTCBB: CBAI) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (MGN: ARNA) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

StockProfiler. US LLC. has not been compensated for Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation (PINK: SSCCQ) for posting of a report on this website as well as other I/R and/or PR services.

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We encourage our readers to use caution when investing and educate themselves at the web sites of the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") at /www.sec.gov/ and/or the National Association of Securities Dealers ("NASD") at www.nasd.com . We also strongly recommend that you read the SEC advisory to investors concerning Internet Stock Fraud, which can be found at www.sec.gov/consumer/cyberfr.htm. Readers can review all public filings by companies at the SEC's EDGAR page. The NASD has published information on how to invest carefully at its web site.